Overall Rating: 3.5 Stars
Date Finished: October 26, 2016
Sequels are always hard because it's so difficult to live up to the first book and yet, I really enjoyed this sequel.
Now, I will say that the beginning was fairly slow. There's the trials and while there is new information revealed it is all talking and planning and not too exciting. And especially with the title being the Inquisition, I was worried that most of the book was going to cover trials and trips to prison and all of that. Luckily that moves along fairly quickly. There is still lots of talking and planning after that but it is planning for a dangerous mission so I was a little more forgiving on that part. And most importantly, we learn who Fletcher's real parents are!
From there they start the preparations for their secret mission into the jungle. The one thing that kept bothering me during this section was the egging notion that there was some kind of other conspiracy going on. And Fletcher struggles with the same question, because there is no way the Triumvirate would volunteer to help with this unless they were getting something out of it.
And despite the slow beginning, from the moment they drop down in the jungle things get better from there on. There is lots of twists and betrayals and plenty of action. And amongst all of that someone is trying to kill Fletcher and blame either the elves or the dwarves in the process. The attempts cause the members of Fletcher's team to start doubting each other.
And despite all the odds Fletcher's team comes out on top. They are the only team to witness the Troll ceremony, providing their country with the coordinates for the Trolls entrance to the ether. They become invaluable to the mission, only to be betrayed at the last minute.
I must admit that the villain was cleverly planned. I had lots of suspects but in the end I never suspected the one who was the real traitor. And so, Fletcher and his team are left abandoned in the middle of Troll territory, near dead, with no one to help. And then they come up with an insane plan to get out. Can I just say, what a great ending! I can't wait to find out what happens in the next book!
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