Friday, November 4, 2016

City of Eternal Night (Crescent City #2) by Kristen Painter


Overall Rating: 3 stars

Date Finished: October 6, 2016

So, I came into this book already slightly disappointed from the first book. Now, I liked the characters for the most part and the plot was interesting but I felt like the action was often brushed over and the ending was very anticlimactic. As such, I came in really hoping for a big, exciting finish in this book to make for the last one.

Unfortunately, I ended up having the same problem with this book as I did with the last one. The book builds and builds and then just kind of flops at the end. I like the characters, I like the world building and I even like most of the plot but nothing is ever resolved in a satisfying way. All conflicts are short and for the most part conflict is avoided. And the most frustrating thing is that this had a lot of potential to have a killer ending. The end brings this showdown between the evil father and not just Harlow, but her long dead sister, the first born that was prophesied to kill him. And as we approached the showdown I was really hoping for something big, and yet it was all over in like 2 seconds. She walks in, kills her father and then boom, it’s over.

And Harlow was still a bit frustrating in this book. Even after everything that happened she is still pushing Augustine away and then there is this random love triangle for all of one chapter. And when Harlow finally puts on her big girl pants and chooses Augustine, I really thought things were finally going to pick up for them, and yet it doesn’t. And while Harlow is finally coming to terms with who and what she is, and is finally trying to control her powers, she makes stupid, naïve mistakes. Like making a deal with the big, evil tree that only brings sorrow, in order to try to resurrect her sister. A sister she can’t bear to live without after just learning about her two seconds ago. And when said sister appears and seems more than a little unstable and a bit psychotic, she just ignores it because hey, it’s my sister. And when said psychotic sister asks to share her body, she doesn’t even hesitate. There’s no “hey, she might be psychotic and try to take over my body(duh)”, she just says sure sister go ahead. And then is soo surprised when said psychotic sister does in fact take over her body.

 And the storyline with Giselle is getting old. Not that it's not important, I mean she is involved in a lot of it, but rather than the intrigue of the previous book, it was mostly talking and relationships and I was ready to move on from that storyline. And while I could understand the occasional check in with that story, it was almost every other chapter and I was really bored with it.  I also felt like Giselle’s sister was a very one dimensional character. She just agrees with everything and goes along with everything. I kept waiting for her to be secretly planning something and to turn out to truly be sadistic because I felt like that would have at least made her feel more like a real person.

Overall, I will say that I still enjoyed the characters and plotline enough to want to read the next book, but I’ve been pretty disappointed overall with the series. 

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