My Rating: 4 stars
Alysse's Rating: 4 stars
Aiden's Rating: 5 stars
This is a series that I loved when I was younger and in fact I kept most of the books that I had so that I now have most of the collection. I was really excited when my kids got old enough that I could start reading this series with them. This is one of the first chapter books that they read and both my 6 year-old, Alysse, and my 4 year-old, Aiden read the whole book with me. Mostly I just read it out loud to them but they were so excited at times and I loved seeing them enjoying the series as much as I did.
After doing the last review of a Children's book together with my daughter, my son of course couldn't wait to give his say in this review as well.
My favorite part:
Alysse: My favorite part is when they finally meet their Grandfather and are able to see that he is a nice man and they get to go live with him.
Aiden: My favorite part is when they find the dog and he gets to go live with them.
What I like about the book:
Alysse: I love how they turned the boxcar into a house and how they all worked together to cook and clean.
Aiden: I liked how they played with the dog and I also liked when they had the big race and Peter won.
What I didn't like about the book:
Alysse: I didn't like when they tried to take away Benny in the store, and I was sad that they're parents died and they were all alone.
Aiden: I didn't like the part when they were in the store trying to buy bread and the woman wasn't very nice to them and wanted to separate them.
Do you think you friends would like this book?
Alysse: Yes!
Aiden: Yes.
This is a book that I loved growing up so obviously my review is in part based on the nostalgia of growing up reading this series. There are some words that were hard for Alysse to read but overall the book is fairly easy to read and there is plenty going on to keep any child attentive.
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