Friday, November 25, 2016

A Demon Bound (Imp #1) by Debra Dunbar


Overall Rating: 2 Stars

Date Finished: October 29, 2016

I will start by saying that I have never read any other Debra Dunbar books and I knew very little about this series going in. The premise itself was interesting but it just didn't live up to what I was hoping for. Having said that, there may be plenty of other people who loved this series and I could logically see why, but I just didn't work for me.

I've tried to figure out the best way to describe my reaction to this book and it was: Eh. I didn't hate the book, but I didn't particularly like it either

I will say that the main character was definitely snarky and that part of her was enjoyable but it was often too extreme and unbelievable. For example, she spent about 3/4 of this book being naked. Seriously. To cook, to clean, to examine dead bodies, and even to fight angels in the middle of the woods. Now, in some of those cases she did it for the shock value but let's be realistic, who in the world wants to do any kind of physical activity while nude? If she wants to strip all the time she could at least invest in a good sports bra she can keep on. It just felt too extreme and very unrealistic.

The other issue I had was all the focus on sex. Now, there is no sex in the book itself but the main character is constantly thinking about it, talking about it, fantasizing and it gets old real fast. And I get it, she is a demon and they are all about sensation and all of that and blah, blah, blah. But sometimes I felt like the main character was more like a creepy, horny cougar than anything else and that was not an enjoyable image.

And then they have the whole fight with the rogue angel and it all gets swallowed up by Sam's drama with Gregory. And it really was that, it was drama. It wasn't this tooth and nail fight to get away. It wasn't suspense. It was all, I hate you, no I don't hate you, wait yes I do hate you but yet for some reason I'm still strangely attracted to you but shouldn't be. And that also got very old. Especially when she finally gets away and yet still comes crawling back.(talk about some angst!)

So, there were some funny, enjoyable parts but also lots of drama, naked people and sexual fantasies. And in the end the bad outweighed the good for me.

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