Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Torch Against the Night (An Ember in the Ashes #2) by Sabaa Tahir


Overall Rating: 4 stars

Date Finished: September 22, 2016

Very few sequels live up to the first book in a series. For that same reason, I am always reluctant to start a second book in a series because there’s just no way it can live up to the first one and so many fail horribly. Now, I still found the first book more exciting but this book definitely lived up to what I was expecting of the series.

This book picks up where the other one left off. Elias and Laia are running for this lives and Helene must reluctantly hunt them down.

One of things that I really enjoyed about this book is that it was so dark and real. Too often in books like these miraculous things happen and all the main characters comes out on top and they somehow manage to save everyone they love against all days. And yet, reality is so much darker. Especially in an Empire like the one they are running from, with a cruel Empire leading them.
Helene struggles to come to terms with her love for Elias and her loyalty to the Empire. She plots and plans and yet every time she tries to come out on top she fails and in the end, she pays for it in unimaginable ways.

Elias is trying to come to terms with his imminent death. He was poisoned by his mother and knows that no matter what he does his end is drawing near. And while there were some frustrating decisions, for the most is was all consistent with his character. Despite it all, throughout it all he never gives up and never stops fighting.

Laia is the one that really frustrated me in the book. She is falling in love with Elias. And then her friend from the rebellion shows up and she starts to change. She was such a strong, fierce character and she burns so brightly, and yet she lets undermine her. After Elias leaves she allows him to cause her to be weak, to doubt herself and her gifts and her power to change the world. And the whole while that he is treating her so cruelly, she allows herself to live him. Now, in hindsight, I can see how this needed to happen plot wise but it was so frustrating to see Laia waste away into someone who was barely recognizable from the first book. Despite that she fights back and in the end they are able to accomplish the impossible. I just hope that this whole process brings us a stronger, fiercer Laia for the next book.

There is lots of ups and downs in this book. Some joy and lots of heartache. There is intrigue and plotting and fighting and action. The characters were inspiring and overall the book was just outright enjoyable. For the first time in a long time I actually find myself looking forward to the third book!

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