Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Black Water by Faith Hunter

Finished: July 4, 2016
Overall Rating: (see the rating for each short story below)

This is a collection of short stories from the Jane Yellowrock world. Now, I have had quite a few issues with the Jane Yellowrock series and yet I have kept reading because I like some of the characters and I keep hoping that things will finally turn around and that Jane's soap opera love life with finally settle down (I could write a whole post just on how much the romance in this series drives me crazy)

Now, having said that, the book themselves do at least tend to have some good action (when not bogged down by detailed descriptions of all the weapons). On the other hand, I found have most of the short stories to be quite boring. And most of them add little to nothing of value to the series itself. From here on I will review each short story separately.

Snafu: (Jane Yellowrock, 0.3)
Rating: 1 star

This is short story that supposedly shows how Jane got her start in the security industry and gives a look at her mentor and where she worked her first job. Except, it doesn't do any of that. The story is so short as to be completely pointless. She walks up to the shop, beats up some guys, and eats a sandwich with her new boss. And that is it. I mean that literally. I'm not really editing anything out because there absolutely no other content. We don't get to know her boss at all really, we learn almost nothing about younger Jane. In fact, I think I learned more about the gang members trying to beat her up than I did her boss, which is pretty sad. Unfortunately, for me, this was a waste of time.

Black Water: (Jane Yellowrock, 6.3)
Rating: 2 stars

In this short story Jane is called in to rescue some women captured by the brother of the female wolf that she killed in book 6. Now, of course Jane feels like this is all her fault (because everything is always her fault) and decides to handle the job for free. She teams up with Sarge (also from the previous book) and meet his scary wife who like to scalp people and knit their hair together for fun (leaves you curious as to what she is, but except for the two minutes she is in the book, we learn nothing else about her. Makes you wonder if this is a lead in for something else, or another useless reference we'll never hear about again).

The action isn't bad, though it all over pretty quick. And while this book wasn't bad, it also wasn't great. It was just okay.

Off the Grid: (Jane Yellowrock, 7.5)
Rating: 3 stars

This was the only one of the three that I really felt like was worth the time to read. The main thing is the introduction of a new character, Nell, who is going to be the protagonist in a new series. Basically, Jane is sent in to find a missing vampire and it turns out she's been kidnapped by a cult. Nell was a member of the cult who got out and she helps Jane to take them down. It was all fairly to the point and Nell does seem like an interesting character.

There was nothing overly great about it, but overall it was still a good read.

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